One of the main features of our lunch box is its environmentally friendly nature

Dec 28,2023

One of the main features of our lunch box is its environmentally friendly nature. Unlike traditional plastic containers that take centuries to decompose, our lunch boxes are made of materials that naturally degrade over time. This ensures that even if it ends up in landfill, it will not harm the environment.

Strengthening food safety awareness to protect public health

Dec 28,2023

In recent years, food safety issues have repeatedly attracted public attention, and food safety has become a hot topic in society.

Food safety has always been an important issue in our life

Dec 28,2023

The survey shows that with the improvement of living standards, people's attention to food safety is increasing.

We take pride in providing products that prioritize environmental protection

Dec 28,2023

Recently, Universal announced the full implementation of environmental protection policies, emphasizing the priority of environmental protection in the product design and production process.

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